YaYy...! My doGs hAvE baBiEs!!

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Raquach's avatar
huWaa......kaWaii deSu....mY doGs haVe tHeir babies aLReaDy... 4 of thEmm... I hAven't see thEm,buT thEy deFiniTeLy CUTE!!! I gaVe tHeir paRentS To a friEnd...shE LoveS dOgs vEry muCh..I lovE thEm,buT I kneW iT wiLL be bEtter to haVE soMeonE who wiLL taKe caRe them beTTer tHan Me...sO I'll nOt cRy, beCauSe I knEw thEy haVe a nU faMiLy whO wEre LovinG n cArinG them...

n I'm gOing to sEe thE baBies tOmoRroW!
KYAAAAAA...~!! I wanted tO giVe tHem naME baDLy.... XD

o yEah,mY pRObLEm witH mY friEnd finiShed...sHE caLLed mE aSked mE whY I diDn't coMe tO coLlegE....So I tolD hEr I waS sO sLeepY,thEn I went sLeep... buT shE aSked mE aM I stiLL anGry wiTh hEr? I toLd hEr I'm noT aNgRy anYmoArr....aND sHE tOld me tHat She waS sOrry...shE sAiD whAt coULd shE do tO makE mE forGivE her..I toLd hEr I forGive her aLreAdy,n I wouLdn't tHink abOuT iT anYmOar...sHe toLd mE tHat i shouLdn't bE too KinD to hEr...thAt She waS sO baD...I LoVe whEn shE sAid I'm kinD...shE's tHe onLy onE Who toLd me that,truLy frOm her hEart..n I beLievE in WhaT shE saYs... sO I woUldn't taKe a maTter aBouT tHiZ anYmoAr...n foR oThers,I'll forGive tHem evEn tHouGh thEy doN't sAy soRry...AnD I sTiLL beLiEve unTiL now..tHat suMdaY I'll haVE a BezT frEn whiCh I coUld stAnD anD LaY for...coZ I knEW my LifE's bRidgE stiLL a VerY LOoOOoNg WaY tO Go!!


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